The ultimate guide
for cross-border trade
in Europe

The ultimate guide
for cross-border trade in Europe

All you need to know about cross-border trade in the EU

All you need to know about cross-border trade in the EU​

Selling products and services across national borders opens up new sales markets and business opportunities while consumers access a wider range of products. However, merchants also need help realising cross-border trade’s full potential.

This white paper is designed to help you build, implement or optimise your cross-border business. It will inspire you to scale your business and make the associated processes professional, secure and customer-focused. So, we take on the most relevant cross-border topics: From the preparation of the online shop to the processing of cross-border payments to the specifics of VAT, customs and, of course, logistics – our white paper contains everything you need to know to be successful in cross-border trade.

Möchtest du dein Onlinebusiness grenzüberschreitend ausweiten, neue Märkte erschließen oder bestehende Prozesse optimieren? Unser White Paper Cross-border Trade in Europe 2023 wird dich dabei unterstützen.
Mit Einblicken und Tipps von Experten soll unser Leitfaden Unternehmen jeder Größe helfen, die Komplexität internationaler Expansion zu bewältigen. Von der Vorbereitung des Onlineshops über die Abwicklung grenzüberschreitender Zahlungen bis zu den Besonderheiten von Umsatzsteuer, Zoll und natürlich Logistik – unser White Paper enthält alles, was du wissen
musst, um im cross-border Trade erfolgreich zu sein.

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Everything about cross-border trade in one white paper:

Want to built, scale or optimise your cross-border e-commerce business?

Get your free copy!

With tips on shop set-up, cross-border payment, compliance and logistics.


Chapter 1 | by Shopware

Getting your online store cross-border ready

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The growth potential in cross-border e-commerce is enormous, but expanding your business into new markets requires careful planning and execution.

This chapter explains how to set up your online shop for cross-border sales. This includes identifying the right target markets, choosing a shop system and planning the additional resources needed for a successful international expansion.

Chapter 2 | by Worldline

How cross-border e-commerce payments work

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Successful expansion requires a deep understanding of cross-border payments, including resolving the question of which payment methods and currencies are best suited to your business and your chosen target countries.

This chapter shows you how to optimise your cross-border payments strategy to maximise your revenue potential.

Chapter 3 | by eClear

VAT and customs in cross-border e-commerce

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

VAT and customs regulations are usually associated with high complexity and risks for companies expanding across borders.

This chapter helps you to understand and successfully implement relevant regulations. It shows how you can use your compliance strategy to minimise risks and secure advantages for your business’s success.

Chapter 4 | by 004

Success factors for efficient cross-border logistics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Efficient logistics are essential for sustainable success in cross-border e-commerce.

In this chapter, we look at the logistical challenges of shipping to other countries, including returns and fulfilment solutions, and provide practical tips on optimising your operations to meet the needs of your international customers.


Shopware, founded in 2000 in Schöppingen, Germany, offers a holistic omnichannel digital commerce platform with high flexibility and a wide range of options for B2C, D2C and B2B as well as service-based use cases for demanding companies, especially in the mid-market sector. Shopware is one of the market leaders in its segment and is well established, especially due to its positioning in the DACH region and a fast-growing North American business. The solution is headless, API-first and uses an open source architecture that allows merchants to customise and scale the product offering to create an immersive customer experience.


Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is a global leader in the payments industry and the technology partner of choice for merchants, banks and acquirers. Powered by 18,000 employees in more than 40 countries, Worldline provides its clients with sustainable, trusted and innovative solutions fostering their growth. Services offered by Worldline include instore and online commercial acquiring, highly secure payment transaction processing and numerous digital services. In 2022 Worldline generated a 4.4 billion euros revenue.


eClear's embedded SaaS solutions give seamless access to the European market by simplifying the handling of EU regulations. Specialising in customs and VAT clearance, eClear leverages its advanced technology to automate cross-border compliance addressing the complex needs of marketplaces, supply chains and the digital economy.


004 GmbH is one of the leading European providers of e-commerce services. Since 2003, we have been enabling brands such as 1. FC Köln, BILD, VAUDE or ZEIT Shop to successfully operate direct-to-consumere-commerce business models by mapping all operational processes on our e-commerce platform and, if required, taking over process execution for the areas of accounting, payment, fulfilment and returns handling as well as customer care and integrating them with all contact points along the customer journey. It‘s Direct-to-consumer as a Service.

©Cross-Border Trade In Europe 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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