
eClear AG
Französische Straße 56-60
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 23590710
Email address:

Commercial register (Handelsregister) Berlin Charlottenburg
HRB 175 497B
VAT ID: DE309452892



Represented by the Board of Directors, which is represented by:
Roman Maria Koidl (Chairman),
Jens Weiner (CRO)

Supervisory Board: Peer Steinbrück, former Federal Minister of Finance

Data Protection Officer:
CISO Datenschutz GmbH / Niklas Koenig, External Data Protection Officer
You can reach our data protection officer at the following e-mail address:

Sales enquiries:

Press enquiries:

Responsible for the content according to § 18 para. 2 MStV: Roman Maria Koidl, to be reached at the address of the service provider given above.

Dispute resolution for consumers in the EU/EEA

The EU Commission’s platform for online dispute resolution can be accessed via the following link:
As a matter of principle, eClear AG is not obliged or willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before an arbitration board. However, eClear AG will make every effort to resolve a dispute out of court.

Copyright notice

eClear AG reserves all rights to this website and its contents. It is either the author or has had the corresponding rights of use granted to it. This does not apply to contributions and comments by third parties.

©Cross-Border Trade In Europe 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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